Andrew McLachlan · ·
Hannah was Anxious in Groups Hannah is a year 9 student who attended Bridging the Gap’s intensive 8 week program for High School students; “I Can”. Hannah’s teachers referred her to the program as she was becoming less and less…
Teenagers live in a culture where boundaries seem to be non-existent. So, teaching them about your own personal boundaries will help them think about developing their own boundaries and how to respect other people’s personal space, time and belongings. When…
As of December 2016, people who are currently receiving the NDIS package can now come to Bridging the Gap for funded Counselling sessions. The NDIS enables people with disability to take charge of their future, to live the life they choose.…
Address: 51 Phillip Street
St Marys NSW 2760
Phone: 02 9673 1211